Hope in High Heels 2018
Calling all Male Allies! Join us for Hope in High Heels 2018 and be the change you want to see in the world. Email Kaitlin to register!

Your #ActionsMatter - April 11th 2018
Halton Women's Place's first annual male ally event is taking place at Loyola SS, Oakville - April 11th 2018 - We are so excited to have...

relationFLIX - the video contest
Time to practice your video editing skills! Our relationFLIX video contest launches Valentine's Day, February 14 2018. Get some friends...

Hope in High Heels on the Hill
Halton Women's Place took their annual Hope in High Heels event to Parliament Hill this November and our educators were there! It was an...

Back 2 School!
Ready for 2017-18, with our new team member Liz in training!

Did you know!?
The Public Education team from Halton Women's Place have teamed up with Halton Regional Police Services to offer FREE workshops to teams,...

Educators meet Glen Canning
Our male educators had the privilege of attending Interim Place's Purple Tie Luncheon on Sunday and meeting Glen Canning, father of...

Educators Speak at Ontario Police College
Our educators had the privilege of speaking to members of Domestic Violence units across Ontario at the OPC. In order to wrap up their...

Canadian Conference on Promoting Healthy Relationships for Youth
Hello London, Ontario! We are attending the first ever Canadian Conference on Promoting Healthy Relationships for Youth and loving it. ...